A Letter to the Sons and Daughters Grieving a Parent
Dear sweet, sweet friend, First off, you are not reading this by accident. The chances that you would come across this letter means that the Holy Spirit led you here. I'm so glad you're here. Secondly, I am so sorry for your loss. If you have lost a parent, I understand. I empathize. I am opening my arms with tears in my eyes. I am bringing you in and holding you tight. Holding. Exhale. Then I squeeze you just a little bit tighter. We are here together in this letter. Thirdly, I am writing this letter in close proximity to the experience that I had as a child and adult. I am aware that not all experiences are like mine and if they are not, that's ok. I feel forever fortunate for my personal experience with my parents and I hope you have that in your life–even if it is not biological. When you lose a parent, I have recognized a few things that happen. The first being disbelief. I feel like this is in part to us seeing our parents as giant characters in a story. They ar...